Saturday, March 23, 2019

My Friends

It's a little awkward being friends with a woman.

To be clear, I'm not great at being friends with a man.

Sexual possibilities are the background of so much of our social existence. They may not be probabilities, likelihoods or eventualities but they are, at least, possibilities. Our species' continuous drive for sex is the weird interloper in every adult relationship.

I hate to give Freud any credit but sex is a big deal - at least initially.

Luckily I'm not aggressive nor is my memory erased by beer and loneliness. Still, it is a reality I've negotiated at times. At times I put aside the here and now for the what-might-be.

Fantasy is almost always better in our minds.

In reality it is awkward and misunderstood.

I'm not saying they are a test. I'm not placing the burden upon them.

Being friends with a woman is awkward.

Being friends with a woman is grand.

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